Paragon heroes lore
Paragon heroes lore


What this title denotes is not exactly clear, but it appears to be worth killing for, and if Murdock's words to Belica at the end of her trailer are anything to go by, people certainly will.īut where do these competitors come from? Agora has many moons, as well as a vast orbital debris field.


From loading screen information, it appears that the game we are playing is some kind of trial to select a hero to become the Paragon. The real question is, however, why a bunch of ragtag weirdos are murdering each other all over it. Are the heroes we play as in danger of making the same mistake? Really, it's too early to tell. The Ashur are as wise as they are powerful. Perhaps this was due to an earlier mistake made by their species, as: Thus, and end nears, so to, a beginning." - Ashurite engraving "A season dies, a wheel turns, a seal opens. Adding to this, the Ashur seemed aware of their own demise: What Legacy is exactly isn't clear, but Monolith appears to be some kind of monument to the Ashur made by themselves, as it apparently reflects their dawn and dusk, which can be interpreted as their beginning and end. The Ashur built both Legacy and Monolith, and produced many other artefacts as well, with their engravings selling at high prices in black markets elsewhere. Agora itself seems to be a singular planet, on which Legacy and Monolith are located, and was once the home of the now apparently absent Ashur species. Having come to several conclusions with relative confidence and not having seen them elsewhere, I thought I'd share them in some attempt to have other people appreciate the interesting world that Epic have put together.


It all seems rather vague and disconnected, but if Dark Souls has given me any skills whatsoever, it's how to see the bigger picture.


Wicked Sisters and Goblin War Zeppelins can pile over paragons and stack a lot of damage due to being mobile shooters yet not barracks.PART 2 NOW UP, SOME PARTS OF THIS POST ARE NOW INACCURATEĪs a 100% certified lore junkie, I feel almost challenged by the teasing dribs and drabs of lore that Epic have fed us over time, in character bios, skin descriptions and since Monolith, loading screens.Blazing Gems should be the most effective as long as the shots from coutryard cannons are put out quickly.Asra can reduce a Paragon's armor to zero with 'Quiver of Sorrow', thus making it easier to deal with.Artillery is useful against the enemies that appear behind the Paragons, especially when it comes to hitting the Elven Rangers and Musketeers that can steadily whittle the Archdemon's health away.Shadow Archers can deal good amounts of damage to them, while Shadow Mark will cause it to take double damage for a short duration making it and other towers more effective at taking them down.

paragon heroes lore

Note that their armor rating is higher, so mages are more efficient against them than archers and barracks. Their low HP for a boss is deceptive as they possess both medium armor and magic resistance.

  • Paragons can be extremely hard to deal with.
  • Paragon's basic attacks deal area damage (damage area: 120). When the Paragon is channelling this attack, it can be interrupted by the Archdemon's slam, putting it on cooldown.

    paragon heroes lore

    At this point, the Paragon will use a special attack that not only deals 1000 physical damage but knocks the Archdemon back and stuns it for 0.8 second (cooldown: 10 seconds).

    paragon heroes lore

    When the Paragon and the Archdemon meet, they will engage in melee combat. Towers and Heroes will target the Paragon, but will only do light damage.

    paragon heroes lore

    The Archdemon and the Paragon will slowly march towards each other, while enemies spawn continuously from all points.


    The Paragons may have the second-lowest HP of all bosses in the series (tied with Myconid and beaten only by the Winter Queen) and move much more slowly, however they sport both Armor and Magic Resistance like the Sons of Sarelgaz. A tiny knight emerges from the castle, and drinks a potion, transforming himself into the Paragon, a mighty knight big enough to take on the Archdemon. King Denas will counter with his own surprise. A progress bar will appear at the top of the screen showing how close the demon is to the castle. Their armor resists most types of damage and their massive hammers can knock back the largest of targets.Īfter the last enemy has fallen in the final wave, Vez'nan will summon an 'old friend', an Archdemon that moves slowly towards the castle. Formerly weak soldiers given a super-strength potion by King Denas.

    Paragon heroes lore